We gave a talk at the Hong Kong Productivity Council ( Kowloon Tong) on "How We Walk the Talk: Symposium on Assessment for Learning" on 26 March 2010.
LinkTitle / 講題:My Words: An English Vocabulary-learning Portfolio for the 21st Century
My Words – 廿一世紀的英語字詞學習歷程檔案
Objectives / 目標:
This workshop will introduce an exciting approach to vocabulary acquisition, assessment and portfolio management and will give participants an opportunity to experience the enjoyable and user-friendly way of improving students’ vocabulary that this comprehensive learning environment provides.
Abstracts /簡介:Until now, methods of vocabulary learning and assessment have been largely haphazard, lacking in any empirical basis and not very attractive for learners of English. My Words (for upper secondary, tertiary and adult learners) and Junior My Words (for upper primary and lower secondary) provide a systematic and comprehensive method for learning, revising, remembering, and using the most important words for learners at each grade level.
These web-based programs are easily accessible from anywhere, require little or no setup and are very user-friendly. They have been extensively tested with teachers and with learners at various levels and are in line with the latest EDB guidelines for curriculum development and e-learning.
目前為止,英語字詞學習和評估都是較隨意的,既沒有記錄學習者進度,又未能吸引英語學習者。My Words (適合高中及成年人) 和 初級My Words (適合高小和初中程度人士) 提供一個學習、複習、記憶,及運用學習階段中重點字詞的全面而有系統的方法。