If you have already upgraded to Firefox 3.6, you may have noticed that many of your extensions stopped working, including My Words toolbar. Well, no longer! We have now produced a stable Firefox 3.6 version of the My Words Toolbar. We would like to give special thanks to Mr. Anton Elloway (Development Coordinator of ICT in ELT at the University of Edinburgh) for sharing with us how he’s been using the My Words toolbar at the University of Edinburgh.
The My Words toolbar is now compatible with the following Web browsers:
- MSIE 5
- MSIE 5.5
- MSIE 6.0
- MSIE 7.0
- MSIE 8.0
- Mozilla Firefox 1.5
- Mozilla Firefox 2.0
- Mozilla Firefox 3.0
- Mozilla Firefox 3.5
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6
- Netscape Navigator 9
Install the My Words toolbar today to experience the resourceful add-on features of My Words on Firefox 3.6!